Lipofirm MD Pro


Non-Surgical Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening

Lipofirm PRO: The Science Behind Your Sculpted Silhouette

Tired of stubborn fat deposits and uneven skin texture? Look no further than Lipofirm PRO, the award-winning treatment designed to revolutionize your body contouring experience. This 30-minute treatment tackles a range of concerns, including:

  • Inch Loss: Say goodbye to unwanted bulges and achieve a slimmer, more sculpted physique.

  • Cellulite Reduction: Smooth out dimpled skin and reveal a more toned appearance.

  • Comprehensive Contouring: Target both face and body areas for a harmonious, balanced look.

  • Skin Tightening and Firming: Restore elasticity and reduce sagging for a youthful, lifted effect.

  • Focused Fat Reduction: Address specific areas with stubborn fat deposits for a more defined look.

The Power of Two Technologies:

Lipofirm PRO's secret lies in its unique combination of two patented technologies:

  • Tri-Lipo Radio Frequency: This technology delivers controlled heat deep into the skin and fat layers, disrupting fat cells and encouraging their natural breakdown.

  • DMA (Dynamic Muscle Activation): DMA stimulates muscle contractions, effectively "squeezing" fat cells and facilitating their removal through the lymphatic system. This also improves circulation and eliminates waste products.

The combined action of heating and muscle activation not only reduces fat but also stimulates collagen production, leading to tighter, firmer skin.

Clinically Proven, Safe, and Effective:

Lipofirm PRO is backed by extensive research and clinical data, ensuring both its efficacy and safety. It's a non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime, and many patients experience visible results after just one session.

Personalised for You:

At our clinic, we believe in a personalized approach. Our experienced aestheticians will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your goals and create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will encompass the recommended number of sessions, lifestyle and dietary recommendations, and comprehensive aftercare advice.

Why Choose Lipofirm PRO?

While we don't compare ourselves to other brands, we believe in educating our clients. Lipofirm PRO stands out with its proven technology and delivers real, lasting results, unlike treatments with unsubstantiated claims.

Ready to achieve your dream body? Schedule a consultation today and experience the transformative power of Lipofirm PRO!

Treatment Time

30 - 40 minutes

Down Time


Course of at 8 sessions spaced one week apart

Treatment Frequency

Combine with

Body Ballencer

All skin types

Suitable for

What to expect…..

  • Pre-treatment

    For optimal results and a smooth experience with your body contouring treatment, some preparation is key. In the days leading up to your appointment, prioritise hydration by drinking plenty of water. This helps your body function at its best and prepares it to effectively flush out toxins released during the treatment. Additionally, inform your therapist about any medications you're currently taking, particularly blood thinners, as these may need to be adjusted beforehand. Finally, schedule your appointment strategically, avoiding any important events immediately following the treatment, as there may be temporary redness or slight swelling that typically subsides within a day.

  • Treatment

    Your body contouring treatment will be conducted by a trained and experienced therapist in a comfortable, clinical setting. The treatment itself is typically comfortable and non-invasive. The therapist will explain the process in detail and answer any questions you may have. During the treatment, you may feel a warming sensation or gentle muscle contractions depending on the specific technology used. The entire session typically lasts around 30 minutes, making it a convenient option for busy schedules.

  • Aftercare

    Moderate exercise is beneficial, however not essential.

    Avoid heavy foods for 24-48 hours post treatment.

    Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours post treatment.

    The healthier your body is, the better the long-term results.

    Drink plenty of water for at least 72 hours post treatment to aid fat removal from your body.

Treatment Pricing

  • Single session | Course of Three

    £140 | £870

  • Single sessio | Course of Three

    £140 | £870

  • Single session | Course of Two

    £140 | £1550

    Arms, knees (2 syringes)

  • Single session | Course of Two

    £140 | £1550

Before & After Pictures


  • While Lipofirm technology is backed by strong clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness, individual results can vary. This is because factors beyond the treatment itself, such as lifestyle choices and hormonal fluctuations, can influence your body's response. Our focus is on helping you achieve the best possible outcome, and we will discuss these factors during your consultation to create a personalized treatment plan.

  • While Lipofirm is known for its comfort, you might experience some interesting sensations during the treatment. The technology uses a gentle warming sensation and a slight tingling feeling to target fat cells. Additionally, the DMA (Dynamic Muscle Activation) technology may cause you to feel your muscles contract slightly. This is all part of the process and shouldn't be cause for concern.

  • Lipofirm PRO boasts a strong safety record, with clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness across various skin types. However, the procedure is not suitable for individuals with pacemakers.

  • Although Lipofirm can deliver noticeable results even after a single treatment, the true potential for body contouring lies in a series of sessions. A typical course of 4-8 treatments, spaced strategically, allows for a gradual yet impactful improvement. Your therapist will continuously monitor your progress and tailor the plan to maximise long-lasting results.

  • While Lipofirm PRO is a safe and effective treatment for many, it's not suitable for everyone. Here are some contraindications to be aware of:

    Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Lipofirm PRO is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

    Pacemakers and Metal Implants: If you have a pacemaker or any metal implants in the treatment area, Lipofirm PRO may not be suitable.

    Certain Medical Conditions: Please disclose any pre-existing medical conditions you have during your consultation. Some conditions may require clearance from your doctor before undergoing Lipofirm PRO.